The training of new operators combined with making an installation. Before you decide to buy our products, we let you test.

The new elestricity installation had to put in the steel casing pipe diameter 133 mm, under existing road. The total length was 24 metres and it consisted with three sections per 8 metres each. The depth of installation was 1,7 m.
The MAX K130S with cones 90-190 mm was used.
We have to remember, before starting of making installation, to weld steel rings: one inside and one outside, at the beginning of steel pipe. As a result we achieve less friction between steel pipe and soil during installation. It will increase the total length of installed pipe and reduce the time of installation. How to make it, please look in the HOW TO DO section.

It was medum ground conditions, with medium compacted, wet soil. In the ground conditio like here, the better is to install steel pipes, instead PE/PVC pipes.

After installed first 8 of metres section, we join the second section by welding. The same with 3-rd section. The total length was 24 metres.

The total time installation was about 1,5 hours.

The last step was the removing soil from installed pipe, in accordance with the instruction HERE.